Monday, June 30, 2014

Stranger things have happened

Family and Friends

Hope you are all well and enjoying life. 
So like the subject says, stranger things have happened. Or maybe not because this week was pretty crazy.
I experienced my first earthquake ...dont worry mom and dad it was just a small one. We were teaching a part member family the Abongs and we were just sitting around outside and all the sudden it felt like someone was shaking all of our chairs. Its was super fast, needless to say we finished by teaching about prayer. 

And the next day it was raining super hard and all day. I went out with Sister Ram because Sister Cobing and Basulgan were sick. We had to take a side car into out area because it was flooding. And then once we got into our areas we realized we couldnt get into either one of them because the floods were so waist deep. We were able to check on a few people but then had to go home because the floods were too high for us to be out in them. Me and sister Ram got a good laugh though cause the whole scene was crazy and we just had no idea what to do, like should we just swim to our next appointment? Sorry I forgot my camera, so until the next flood. 

And then we stopped by one of our part members house but she was busy. Then these two girls came up to us and said "hey those guys over there said they want to listen to you" So all you missionaries out there know you act on those kind of things! It was funny they were super interested but only work here in Makati, so we referred the missionaries to them over there. And they bought us cokes and offered us jobs after our missions...haha like I said stranger things have happened. 

Anyways strange things happen cause life is just an adventure, and its an adventure that leads to the ultimate price of Eternal life with our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. I love the gospel and I love that I can walk with Christ everyday of my life. 

One of our investigators Maryvick told us " I know Christ is here, hes with you." 
"He is the silent listener in every conversation and the empty chair at every dinner table."

So we should probably always be on our best behavior

Sister Mahe 


Lizzy- You are old now #grandma just kidding stay cool always shebanek
Taylor- Love ya! Hope its wonderful and you go to the beach and eat publix subs 
Kelsie- work it sister Thompson. you are the coolest sister ever! #areyoutrunkynow

America- You are amazing, no but really I will sing the star spangle banner and eat mac n cheese this friday! 

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